We have been made aware of an imposter account posting vacancies on Indeed.com on behalf of Boodle Hatfield LLP. These job posts and counterfeit accounts are currently under investigation and we please ask that you do not engage with any responses for Boodle Hatfield vacancies via Indeed. Please note, all vacancies for Boodle Hatfield LLP will be listed on www.boodlehatfield.com/current-vacancies/ and we only recruit for candidates within the UK. Should you have any concerns please contact bh@boodlehatfield.com
I have read the update, close windowWorking at Boodle Hatfield
This is not a faceless organisation; working in a medium-sized firm, you soon get to know your colleagues and the clients. We take great pride in the pleasant working conditions of our offices and the friendly culture embedded in the firm. The qualities we look for in our people are commitment, enthusiasm, flexibility, the ability to work as part of a team and the technical excellence to enable our staff to produce high quality work for our clients.
We recognise and value diversity in the workplace and support the development of our people by investing in them and providing appropriate training so that employees have the opportunity to excel in their professional careers. This has led to a high retention rate of Partners and Staff throughout the Firm.
To learn more about Boodle Hatfield, take a look at our stories and video below for an insight into what it is like working at the firm.