A day in a life of a vacation scheme student at Boodle Hatfield – Jess Woodrow - Boodle Hatfield

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27 Jul 2023

A day in a life of a vacation scheme student at Boodle Hatfield – Jess Woodrow

Written by

Jenny Sanghera View profile
3 min read

Each summer we welcome six students to join us for a two-week period for our Vacation Scheme. The annual event enables the candidates to get an insight into working at Boodle Hatfield and gauge what a training contract may look like. 2023 Vacation scheme student, Jess Woodrow reflects on one of the days from her fortnight with the firm.

My day began with a case study session led by a Partner in the firm’s litigation team. During the vacation scheme, I was able to complete five case studies based on real legal scenarios and then discuss my findings with a Senior Associate/Partner. This provided great exposure to the firm’s different practice areas alongside a chance to meet individuals in those teams. The days particular case study concerned litigation, where I was given various witness statements and particulars of claim to analyse and then form arguments. During the session, the Partner also spoke to us about her personal experiences in litigation as a female, and I was able to receive tips on entering this practice area.

Following this session, I headed back into my department to see my supervisor. I was sitting in the residential property team for the week and was able to shadow with the sale of a property in Chelsea. I got to oversee the drafting a contract of sale and also reviewing the register to ensure the good of the title. During these tasks, I was able to sit in an office with my supervisor, which meant they were constantly on hand to answer any questions. Furthermore, I was asked to draft a completion statement, which provided me with an insight into the whole process of a property sale from initial instruction to completion, something invaluable should I ever enter into a property seat.

In addition, something which particularly stood out to me about my morning was the numerous Boodle Hatfield staff who took the time to come into my office and introduce themselves. These staff members ranged from Trainees to Senior Associates, but also even Partners who became friendly points of contact during my vacation scheme and helped me to feel welcome.

My supervisor encouraged me to take breaks frequently throughout the day and at around 1pm I went for lunch with the other vacation scheme students. This was a lovely way to catch up on our days and share experiences, whilst also giving us time to prepare for the afternoon.

After lunch, I returned to the residential team where I looked at a lease review with my supervisor, in order to check whether the lease permitted assignment. Upon discovering that it did, I was then able to draft a licence to assign using a precedent sent to me by my supervisor. This process was very clearly explained to me and I was provided with a login to Practical Law and Lexis Nexis, which were useful resources to confirm my learning and complete the draft for my supervisor to review.

My favourite part of the day was the social after work which was organised by HR and took place at Flight Club. We were joined by the current trainees which provided a great way to chat in an informal setting and challenge each other to a game of darts. I was able to get some great application tips from the trainees, and I was particularly impressed by the efforts they took to get to know me, with many of them connecting with me on LinkedIn afterwards.

Overall, my day consisted of a strong combination of guided case studies, department work and social events. Boodle Hatfield ensured the day was full of learning activities, and I left the office with much stronger experience than I arrived with.

Want to find out more about training at Boodle Hatfield? Visit www.boodlehatfield.com/trainees/ to find out more.

Written by

Jenny Sanghera View profile