Lauren Bholé - Employment Associate - Boodle Hatfield

Your lawyers since 1722

Lauren Bholé

Lauren Bholé, Associate, Boodle Hatfield


+44 (0) 20 7079 8237 download vcard
Lauren Bholé, Associate, Boodle Hatfield

Lauren is an Associate within the employment team.

She has expertise in assisting companies with internal investigations and defending complex and sensitive tribunal claims which often include applications for interim relief.

Lauren supports senior executives on their departures, including the negotiation of severance packages and the associated documentation. She also provides advice across a wealth of clients on the enforceability of restrictive covenants.

Lauren regularly drafts key employment documentation such as policies, contracts of employment, consultancy agreements and service agreements for a wealth of clients.

Conference Speaking

Lauren has delivered an employment lecture for the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2023


Employment Lawyers Association (ELA)

Education & Qualification

University of Durham

Qualified as a solicitor in 2018

Lauren has delivered an employment lecture for the Royal Institute of British Architects in 2023

Employment Lawyers Association (ELA)

University of Durham

Qualified as a solicitor in 2018