300 Years of Family Life - Boodle Hatfield

Your lawyers since 1722

14 Feb 2022

300 Years of Family Life

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February - with Valentine’s Day at its heart - is the month for romance.

And, as our firm celebrates its 300th anniversary, we want to look at how family life, love and marriage have altered since 1722, the year our firm was founded.

Shakespeare promises that…

“Love is not Love
Which alters when it alteration finds…”

But, does that really still hold true given the changes brought about by female empowerment, the transformation of society’s attitudes towards gender and scientific advances in the realm of reproduction?

Now that we can scientifically prove who our biological fathers are and women can financially support themselves, we question whether the institution of marriage is outdated or simply just redundant?

Are we approaching the end of the concept of the nuclear family and entering a new era of throuples and free love?

Or, is human nature the same as ever and it is only the labelling that is different?

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300 Years of Family Life

In May we will be hosting a panel comprising experts on the subject of marriage, relationships and love, each with their own particular perspective from the world of art to psychology and sexual attraction. We will be looking not just at the last 300 years of family life, but boldly making predictions for the future.

Find out more.