Are drone deliveries here to stay?
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In December last year, the Royal Mail broke into the drone world. It delivered a parcel to a remote lighthouse on the Isle of Mull.
Fast forward a few months and the Royal Mail have started a new trial delivering parcels to the Isles of Scilly. Whilst initially this trial will focus on delivering PPE and testing kits to the island's residents; eventually the trial will enable residents to receive their parcels much quicker than if they were to be delivered by a more traditional means.
This trial is government funded and will look at the fuel efficiencies that drones could provide and how this might reduce the Royal Mail's carbon emissions. However, what is particularly special about this trial, is that, unlike in Scotland, the drone is flying beyond its pilot's visual line of sight. This is a breakthrough for drone deliveries, as a drone which can fly beyond a pilot's visual line of sight will be much more sustainable, in economic terms, in the long run.
It is an exciting development and one that will be watched by many eager to see if drone deliveries are here to stay.